6 entry level jobs that will allow you to work remote
Getting to work from home used to be a luxury afforded to only certain workers in certain fields, but technology has made it possible for a wide variety of people to clock in from the comfort of the desks in their very own living rooms. In fact, according to a recent Gallup poll, 43% of employees work remotely sometimes. The ability to work remotely can be a huge perk—you save money on thing like commuting costs, a work wardrobe, and even coffee and lunch, which you can now make in the comfort of your own home. Hiring remote workers has become more popular in recent years, but there are certain fields that are particularly likely to be hiring workers for remote entry level jobs. Here are just a few.
Associate account manager
Associate account managers take care of the basic operations of a company and often serve as liaisons between different departments—a job ideal for working from home if operations take place in different parts of the country. While experience in sales or marketing is sometimes required, associate account managing might also be an entry-level job.
Copy editor
Writing and editing jobs have long been popular among telecommuters, and with all the content that gets churned out all day, every day as news generates, editors are particularly in demand right now. They’re the folks who ensure that the words we read on business sites and blogs are strong, grammatically correct, and concise. There are many copy editing jobs at the entry level right now, and telecommuting is a very common perk.
Operations coordinator
If you’re more the management type than the wordsmith, consider finding a position as an operations coordinator. This job involves dealing with team members and handling billing, invoices, and payroll for all the teams in an organization. Like with an account manager gig, you don’t need to be in a physical office to do the job—especially if the company has many locations.
If you’re fluent in more than one language, you can use your skills from the comfort of your own home across a wide variety of industries. If you have a stellar attention to detail and a great command of grammar, style, and slang in both of your spoken languages, translation is a great opportunity to use your skills and fit in work on your own schedule.
Roadside assistance app representative
If your car has ever broken down and you’ve used your phone to access a roadside assistance app to get moving again, you’ve relied on the kindness and skills of a person on the other end of the line to get you out of your bind. Roadside assistance app representatives are needed to handle the behind-the-scenes work that gets the job done—using people skills and computer skills to get people on the road again. Ironically, travel is often not a requirement for these jobs.
Sales representative
Sales representatives promote products to customers on the phone and on online, so not much more than a phone and a computer are needed to do this job. If you’re an ace with your computer and love talking to people all day, this may be the remote entry-level job for you. Sales reps who love what they sell are the best at their jobs, so if you have a passion for a product, this is also the gig for you.
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