
Finding a part time job in retirement
Career AdviceAre you a retiree who wants to return to the workforce? If so, you’re in good company, and part of an increasingly expanding group—in fact, AARP recently published an article highlighting the growing trend of older adults who have previously…

The guide to Baby Boomers re-entering the job market
Career AdviceAttention Baby Boomers: Although you’re technically approaching the age when people typical start thinking of retiring from the work world, that doesn’t mean you can’t be a valuable and productive part of a company or business. Or perhaps…

Trends older workers need to look out for in 2019
Explore CareersWhen it comes to workplace trends, it can seem like Millennials are the only ones facing changes and making changes. But if you happen to be a non-Millennial, like millions of American workers, it can be hard to see where you fit in with the…

Why older jobseekers should explore the world of “returnships”
Career AdviceThose among us who have been in the workforce for a while have no doubt witnessed a tidal wave of change in the work world—everything from technological innovation to globalization and how employers and employees approach the very notion of…

5 top part-time jobs for retired seniors who need some extra cash
Explore CareersIf you’re part of the Baby Boomer generation, you’ve probably been around the block, career-wise. You may be retiring from your long-term career, or find yourself looking for a change of pace for the next phase of your work life. As you…

Avoiding age discrimination on the job
Career AdviceThe truth is, we’re sometimes judged by things that are beyond our control—this is true in all facets of life, including the world of work. One of the biggest workplace reversals in recent decades is the perception of age. At one time, age…

Trends that older workers need to watch for in 2018
Explore CareersAttention Baby Boomers—not all trends are created equal. Each year, we see a variety of new workplace trends take hold, which often vary by industry, geography, and even individual demographics. One of these factors is age—simply put, there…

5 interview questions you shouldn’t ask potential employees
Career AdviceWe talk a lot about what questions interviewees should be prepared to answer, but what if you’re on the other side of that equation? Are there any danger zone questions (or just plain ineffective) questions you shouldn’t ask? There definitely…