
The issues that older workers face in the job hunt
Career AdviceWith age comes wisdom. That old proverb may very well be true, but with age and wisdom also come challenges during the job hunt process. The further along you get in your career, the more challenging it can be to find and chase the right opportunities.…

5 important questions to ask before starting a new job
Career AdviceYou rocked the interview, you got the job offer, you quit your old job, and you’ve been in celebration mode for the past two weeks. Now you’re starting your new role, and it feels like you’ve done everything you need to do. But you really…

Finding a part time job in retirement
Career AdviceAre you a retiree who wants to return to the workforce? If so, you’re in good company, and part of an increasingly expanding group—in fact, AARP recently published an article highlighting the growing trend of older adults who have previously…

How to explain career breaks in your resume
Career AdviceIt’s easy to picture your career as one long, unbroken path, from the start of adulthood to the day you retire. You know what’s not so easy? Reality. Life can get in the way of even the best-planned career paths, causing gaps and disruption…

The guide to Baby Boomers re-entering the job market
Career AdviceAttention Baby Boomers: Although you’re technically approaching the age when people typical start thinking of retiring from the work world, that doesn’t mean you can’t be a valuable and productive part of a company or business. Or perhaps…

The smart way to job hunt while you have a job
Career AdviceIt’s easier to job hunt if you have a job. It’s a maxim, but it’s backed up: statistics have shown that employers are more likely to hire people who already have jobs, and a 2017 survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York determined…

Your guide to comparing your current job to a new job offer
Career AdviceIf there’s one thing you can count on as you travel along your career path, it’s that you’ll encounter some challenging decisions along the way—and the choices you make can have a lasting impact on your professional journey as you move…

How long should you stay at a job you hate?
Career AdviceEveryone goes into a new job with a sense of optimism. New place, new coworkers, new responsibilities—what’s not to be optimistic about? After that initial buzz, however, you suddenly realize: I hate my job. It’s rarely in your interest…

These 6 part-time jobs come with benefits
Explore CareersPeople want part-time jobs for a number of reasons—schedule flexibility, side hustle, and the chance to gain experience in a new field are just a few. But while part-time work is increasingly common, these jobs don’t always have the same…

Here’s why you’re never too old for a career change
Career AdviceIt's always scary to change jobs. But it can seem downright terrifying if you have given years (or decades!) to traveling one career path and want to make a complete switch. Don't let fear hold you back—sometimes, circumstances call for bold…