
What are Credentials? How to Add Them to Your Resume

What are Credentials? How to Add Them to Your Resume Do you know what credentials are? You may have heard the term before, but might not be sure of exactly what it means. In general, adding your credentials to your resume is one way to…

“How Do You Build Relationships At Work?” Interview Answers

Interview Question: “How Do You Build Relationships at Work?” When you’re interviewing for a job, one of the questions they might ask is how you go about building relationships with your co-workers. It’s an essential question since…

10 Character Traits to Include On Your Resume in 2022

In 2022, the workforce will be looking for a new set of character traits in employees. If you are looking to build your resume and want to make sure that you have the right skills and qualities, then read on! In this blog post, we will discuss…

10+ Words to Describe Yourself (Interviews Tips)

10+ Words to Describe Yourself (Interviews Tips) Most job seekers find interviews to be a difficult and nerve-wracking experience. After all, you are under pressure to make a good impression and sell yourself as the best candidate for the…

The 3 best career aptitude tests to guarantee success

Is it better to be merciful or just? This is one of the many questions you can ponder if you fall down the rabbit hole of internet aptitude tests—and you can also find out which career would best suit you in the wizarding world of Harry Potter.…

4 important tips for rescheduling an interview

When we’re on the job hunt, most of us focus the majority of our time and energy on getting our foot in the door for interviews and making sure that we make a lasting and positive impression while in the room. We pour untold amounts of blood,…

How to network and engage with your peers (and land your next big job)

Are you currently on the hunt for your next great job, or are you seriously thinking about making a job change? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then you really should be asking yourself if you’re doing everything you can…

How to answer the toughest behavioral interview questions

When you’re preparing for an interview, chances are you’ve got the usual stuff down: your resume, talking points, stellar eye contact, and small talk. Those are easy—you can practice them in the mirror or with a trusted interview prep…

No job after graduation day? Try these 6 tips

As my senior year of college started to wind down, I saw many of my friends scooping up job offers that would match their fancy new engineering and business degrees. Things were a little different for me, as an English major. There were no tech…

Are cover letters a thing of the past?

In the job hunt, some things have quietly started going away, like resumes on expensive paper or a “references available upon request” line. But what about the good old cover letter? Is that still a thing? Yes…but (and there’s always…