
10 of the most in-demand jobs for 2019

As we make our way into 2019, you may be thinking about what your next step is, career-wise. If you’re looking to make some changes, here are some of the hottest and fastest-growing jobs and fields to consider. Medical Services Manager The…

5 nursing career specialties to pursue in 2019

Healthcare is one of the fastest-growing fields right now—and nursing is at the heart of this growth. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the nursing profession is expected to grow by at least 19% by 2026, much faster than average…

How nurses can advance in their careers if they don’t want to be nurses forever

Sometimes we get so focused on our current jobs that we forget to focus on “the big professional picture,” which includes our entire career arc—from start to finish. The truth is, we should always think about our professional lives as…

Guide to healthcare jobs in 2018

There’s a good chance you’re reading this jobs guide because you’ve heard that the healthcare industry is super hot right now. And it’s true! But if you’re just starting out, or thinking about a career change, how do you get in on…

How to become a legal nurse consultant

These days, it’s cool to be a hyphenate—you know, like actor-activist, graphic designer-herbalist, or dentist-beekeeper. Basically, people who have strong professional skill sets in multiple areas are highly sought after, as industries look…

Nurse Practitioner vs. Registered Nurse: What’s the difference?

You’ve probably heard that nursing jobs are hot right now. And it’s true. But even within the general nursing world there are tons of specialties, so it’s important to know who does what before you commit to the career path. There are…

Is medical coding the career for you?

Are you on the hunt for a new career in a growing industry? If so, then consider medical coding. This rewarding field can offer a wide variety of potential opportunities for employment and can be a satisfying profession for those with the right…

How to become a labor and delivery nurse

If you’re already a registered nurse, or are thinking about becoming one, you might want to consider specializing in labor and delivery. These OB/GYN professionals provide essential support for women throughout the entire childbirth process,…

8 interview tips for your first nursing job

You’ve worked so hard in nursing school and on your exams, and now here you finally are: ready to embark on your nursing career. Interviews are nerve wracking in any situation, but particularly early on your career for a job that really excites…

Take these 6 steps to become a travel nurse

If you love the idea of supplying patients with quality medical assistance but aren’t crazy about working in the same environment every day, then you may want to consider becoming a travel nurse. Travel nurses work at temporary jobs in locations…