
How to respectfully disagree in an interview
Get HiredWe all know how challenging it can be when you’re on the hunt for a new job. On top of applicants needing to stand out from the crowd in a super-competitive employment landscape across all industries and sectors, companies are also raising…

How to actually talk about strengths and weaknesses in an interview
Get HiredYou’re in an interview. It’s going well—you aced the small talk, and you have solid, thoughtful answers to all of their questions about your resume. Now things start to get a little more abstract in the questions: Tell me more about yourself.…

How to spot a bad boss during an interview
Get HiredWhen it comes to job satisfaction, almost nothing derails your ability to be happy at work each day than a bad boss. Sure, bad bosses come in many types and they aren’t all created equal, but regardless of the type of bad boss you’re dealing…

3 old-school interview rules that are still relevant
Get HiredIt’s easy to see how job interviews have changed over time: more email, less formality, pre-interviews with chatbots, Skype interviews, etc. What’s not so easy is determining which interview principles are just as valid and necessary as…

4 questions hiring managers want you to answer
Get HiredAre you in the middle of a job hunt or gearing up for one? If so, then you’re likely aware that today’s job market has changed considerably in recent years—everything from volatile economic conditions, to increased globalization, to shifts…

3 ways to handle age discrimination during the interview process
Get HiredWhen it comes to interviewing, the unfortunate truth is that the rules of fairness and objectivity don’t always evenly apply to all people in all situations. Although we may like to think that HR professionals and hiring personnel stick solely…

How to answer the interview question “What are you passionate about?”
Get HiredWhen we’re on the job hunt in search of our next great career opportunity, many of us spend the bulk of our time in prep mode, where we do everything we can to try and get our foot in the door of a company that we want to work for. This includes…

4 important tips for rescheduling an interview
Get HiredWhen we’re on the job hunt, most of us focus the majority of our time and energy on getting our foot in the door for interviews and making sure that we make a lasting and positive impression while in the room. We pour untold amounts of blood,…

How to answer the toughest behavioral interview questions
Get HiredWhen you’re preparing for an interview, chances are you’ve got the usual stuff down: your resume, talking points, stellar eye contact, and small talk. Those are easy—you can practice them in the mirror or with a trusted interview prep…

Getting through the most awkward interview moments
Get HiredAt some point in your career, you’re going to have an awkward interview moment. It may be something you say; it may be coming from the interviewer; it could be anything. In the end, all you can do is laugh it off and hope for the best (or…