
How to master your next phone interview
Get HiredIn this era of texting, when phone conversations are increasingly rare, a phone interview can be a daunting step during the job hunt process. It's hard enough to do a face-to-face interview, but in this case you have to create a rapport with…

4 questions to ask at the end of an interview
Get HiredIt's game time—the interview is here. You prepped well. You aced the handshake, anticipated the questions they asked, and wowed them with your smooth, competent demeanor and relevant work anecdotes. Or maybe it wasn’t your best interview…

7 steps to rock your face-to-face interview
Get HiredIt’s time for your in-person interview. Maybe you’re here after acing an initial phone interview, or maybe you just skipped straight to this stage. You have a suit cleaned and pressed, copies of your resume ready in a folder, and dreams…

Use these 8 words to describe yourself during a job interview
Get HiredYou know you're going to be asked about yourself in a job interview, so don't get caught tongue-tied. It's smart to have a small collection of adjectives that describe you well and show you off in your best light—bonus points if they aren't…

How to answer “Walk me through your resume” in a job interview
Get HiredYou’re all excited for your interview and then you get the dreaded question. “Walk me through your resume,” the interviewer says. “Walk through it yourself!” you think. “Can’t you read?” We kid—of course, you can only think…

WARNING: 8 Signs Your Job Interview is Scam
Get HiredJob interviews aren’t just a time for you to sit in the hot seat and be judged. They’re also an opportunity for you to vet the potential employer—to determine whether this company would be a good fit for you, and to make sure there aren’t…

The 5 types of interview outfits that will get you hired
Get HiredNo matter what stage you are in your career, you need to dress to impress whenever you’re granted an interview. That might mean something different depending on your career status and the field you’re interviewing in, but the overarching…

How to Answer the “What is Your Current Salary?” Question in an Interview
Get HiredIt’s almost inevitable that in the course of your job search you will be asked for your salary history—either what you’re currently making, what you made in your previous position, or beyond. Employers want to know because they think it…

8 Interview Strategies for Introverts
Get HiredIt’s hard enough to find a job that’s fit for an introvert—let alone acing an interview for one. Perhaps you’re feeling overwhelmed by all of the interview advice out there, and feeling like you won’t ever quite be able to deliver?

9 Super-Tricky Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them
Get HiredYou’ve done a lot of interview prep already and you’re feeling pretty ready. But you’re still dreading the questions you haven’t prepped for—or the really tricky ones that seem perfectly simple, but have multiple strategic layers designed…