
How to Become a Technical Support Engineer
Explore CareersWith almost every industry and company going as digital as possible these days, technical problem solvers are in high perpetual demand. This is where professionals like technical support engineers come in.
What Does a Technical Support Engineer…

How to Use Pinterest for Your Job Search
Get HiredSo yes, we all know of Pinterest as the go-to place to design a wedding mood board or pin recipes to try for summer barbecues. But did you know that you can also it for your job search? On this the fastest growing social media network, you can…

5 Ways to Use Snapchat in Your Job Search
Get HiredSnapchat might not be just for teenagers and your more ironically social media savvy friends. 39% of users are between the ages of 25 and 44. It is one of the fastest growing platforms out there—with over 200 million active users—and is…

Optimize Your Resume for an 8-Second Skim
Get HiredYou’ve put all this time and effort into your resume. It reads like a perfectly crafted, grammatically perfect dream from the header to the footer. Trouble is, most recruiters and hiring managers will spend approximately 8 seconds perusing…

7 Work From Home Jobs You NEED to Avoid
Explore CareersEverybody thinks working from home is the best possible thing. The grass that is always greener. But there are a few work from home jobs that are more trouble than they’re worth. You may think it’s worth it to work in your pajamas, eating…

How To Find A Job In Another State
Get HiredLooking to relocate? Whether you’re in a rut, or moving for personal reasons, or just plain need a change, it is possible to find a job in another state before you even move there.
The most important thing is to try and establish and start…

8 Reasons No One Will Hire You
Get HiredYou’re still searching, still unemployed, and getting more and more frustrated by the day. Everybody tells you it’s a numbers game, a waiting game, and that as long as you are doing all the things you know you’re meant to be doing to get…