
What Warren Buffet’s eating habits can teach you about your career
Career AdviceHave you ever heard the phrase “you are what you eat”? It may be a well-worn cliché, but it still contains an important point: your diet is a reflection of your behavior, habits, and routine, which all go a long way into how you operate…

Are you a victim of the weekend effect?
Career AdviceDoes the following scenario sound like an all-too-familiar weekly routine for you?
After a long and stressful workweek and Friday approaches—and finally arrives—you feel a palpable, positive shift in your overall sense of mental well-being.…

How to find out if a company’s culture is right for you
Get HiredEvery company has its own culture—what it values, how it approaches its mission, and what it expects from employees. The tricky part is that this is not always evident from outside sources. So how do you know if a company will be a good fit…

How to become luckier
Career AdviceHave you ever wondered what it takes to be lucky? Sometimes it seems like certain people are just born to be lucky, and good things just happen to them, while others struggle to find good fortune and avoid bad luck from hanging over them like…

Here’s why your paycheck is disappearing
Career AdviceIt’s not a magic trick—your paycheck may seem like it’s vanishing faster than you can earn it, but there are reasons why this seems to happen. It’s a common phenomenon: payday comes around and you start thinking about all of the things…

Don’t believe these 4 money saving myths
Career AdviceWhen we think of money and our grand financial plans—both short-term and long-term—we tend to cling to those old, time-tested maxims about saving money that we’ve heard over and over again, starting from when we were young and filling…

4 signs your boss is not impressed with your work
Career AdviceWhen things are going well at work and the praise is flowing, things are great. You’re feeling happy and accomplished, and comfortable that you’re in the right place. But sometimes there will be bad days and bad periods, when the work is…

How to be yourself at work
Career AdviceIf you’re like most people, you’ve encountered at least one situation at work in which you’ve wondered, “How should I behave?” “Can I be myself in this situation or do I need to act a certain way?” These situations can be challenging…

How to spot a fake job posting
Get HiredThe job market is hard enough to navigate without having to worry about some posting turning out to be a scam—or even just a dead end. Save your precious time and energy by being on the lookout for these simple signs that something just isn't…

How to ask for a letter of recommendation
Get HiredAt every professional stage in life (job searching, job switching, promotion seeking), there will come a time when you need to ask someone to write you a letter of recommendation. Though not as common as they once were, many would-be employers…