Why you don’t need to meet every qualification when applying for a job
Get HiredRegardless of industry or experience level, today’s job seekers have one thing in common—they’re facing a tremendously challenging job market when they’re on the hunt for their next opportunity. On top of an ever-shifting wave of technological…

Writing a strong cover letter when changing careers
Get HiredChanging careers can be seriously challenging. Once you’ve made the already tough decision to go for something new, you will likely then have new realities staring you in the face, like a lack of experience or hard skills. But rather than…

How to spot a bad boss during an interview
Get HiredWhen it comes to job satisfaction, almost nothing derails your ability to be happy at work each day than a bad boss. Sure, bad bosses come in many types and they aren’t all created equal, but regardless of the type of bad boss you’re dealing…

3 old-school interview rules that are still relevant
Get HiredIt’s easy to see how job interviews have changed over time: more email, less formality, pre-interviews with chatbots, Skype interviews, etc. What’s not so easy is determining which interview principles are just as valid and necessary as…

4 signs it’s time to take something off your resume
Get HiredYour resume is a timeline of all your valuable work and
educational experience, as well as your most marketable skills. However,
sometimes all those details that may entice a potential employer accumulate to
the point that they become a bit,…

5 high-paying jobs for 2020
Get HiredIf you’re thinking about a career change or are just starting out on your educational or career path, the salaries of potential jobs are probably weighing heavily on your decision. Here are some of the highest-paid jobs, in some of the most…

4 questions hiring managers want you to answer
Get HiredAre you in the middle of a job hunt or gearing up for one? If so, then you’re likely aware that today’s job market has changed considerably in recent years—everything from volatile economic conditions, to increased globalization, to shifts…

3 ways to handle age discrimination during the interview process
Get HiredWhen it comes to interviewing, the unfortunate truth is that the rules of fairness and objectivity don’t always evenly apply to all people in all situations. Although we may like to think that HR professionals and hiring personnel stick solely…

6 common mistakes older job seekers make
Get HiredHitting the open job market as an older candidate can be
rough. There’s all sorts of inherent bias, as well as the challenge of finding
jobs that aren’t entry- or low- level, with salaries geared toward new grads
who live with seven roommates.…

How to cope with a crowded job market
Get HiredIn a perfect world, the notion of being involuntarily “in-between jobs” wouldn’t exist. We’d all have our ideal dream jobs with the exact salaries, benefits, and responsibilities we wanted—and nothing would ever go wrong to threaten…