Entries by wpmaster

7 Strategies for Women Who Want to be the Boss at Work

Even today, there are some unspoken double standards for women and men in the workplace. Sure, we’ve (hopefully) moved on from the worst of the Mad Men style of blatant sexism in the office, and these days you can find women working alongside men at all levels of an industry. Still, stereotypes and differences linger […]

The 10 Best Places For Dads to Work in 2017

The United States is pretty terrible when it comes to family leave—but it’s even worse for dads. Very few employers even provide paid parental leave for fathers. As Simon Isaacs, co-founder of Fatherly, told Business Insider, “This means a lot of new dads are not able to take time to bond with their babies and […]

The Best States for Working Moms

Working moms have it rough. They never feel like they’re spending enough time at work, and they never feel like they’re spending enough time with their kids. And they’re in the majority. Over 70% of mothers with children under 18 are either working or looking for work in this country right now. In order to […]

8 Ways to Make a Terrible First Impression

You know how important the first impression is. That’s why it can be really easy to screw it up—even if you only screw it up by trying too hard. Here are a few ways to really make a belly flop of your first impression. Study them and make sure to pivot in another direction! 1. […]

6 Common Negative Thoughts And How To Combat Them

We’ve been there: in a terrible state of mind, while people keep telling you to think “happy thoughts.” It’s enough to drive you nuts. But hear us out: positivity and, yes, “happy thoughts” can actually have a major impact on your success in your career and your life—while negative thoughts, or in particular, “cognitive distortions,” […]

6 To-Do Lists to Get Your Life in Order

Do you find the idea of making a to-do list strangely daunting? If you’re one of those people who don’t naturally tend to the to-do list, you might need a little help or inspiration to get you started. Here are some of the best templates, options, and styles for you to try. The Old School […]

Ask Yourself: Are You Happy In Your Current Job?

You’re happy to have a job, of course. But are you really happy in your job? If you want the best of all worlds—i.e. to live to work rather than work to live, then maybe it’s time to ask yourself whether you are actually happy where you are—or whether you could be happier somewhere else, […]

How to Become a Technical Support Engineer

With almost every industry and company going as digital as possible these days, technical problem solvers are in high perpetual demand. This is where professionals like technical support engineers come in. What Does a Technical Support Engineer Do? Technical support engineers (sometimes also called information technology/IT technical support engineers) serve as tech gurus for a […]

The Best and Worst States to Make a Living

We’ve all heard about the American Dream, right? It’s a lovely concept that has driven millions of people to set up their lives and careers all over the country. It speaks to the hard work that people do every day, hustling to maintain the best life possible for themselves and their families. The only trouble […]